The Wizard
A zany old man who finds so much joy in the act of creation. He comes from a world of bureaucratic wizardry, all life and fun sucked out of magical art. In the Paracosm, he can make whatever he wants, just because he wants to make it, even if it's just for fun and has no higher purpose!
The Inventor
The known universe's most accomplished woman, The Inventor is somewhat of an "Alien Barbie" figure; a beautiful and intelligent jack-of-all-trades who never says no to any interesting puzzle or challenge. She loves to tinker, build, fix, and most of all, create - a great number of universe-altering technologies came from her and her team.
The Monarch
The Monarch comes from a dying, post-apocalyptic world still struggling to survive. They're quiet, shy, and slow to trust, but extremely sweet and caring when you get them out of their shell. They consider it their mission to make it so no one is ever sad or afraid ever again.
The Dragon
A relatively weak and small dragon where they come from, The Dragon is a rich, powerful, beautiful beast in the Paracosm. They can be a bit of a jerk at times, but their superficial and vain nature can occasionally break through to something genuine. Occasionally.
The Beast
A terrifying creature from the deepest parts of the sea... when you zoom in a little bit. The Beast is actually quite small, but that doesn't stop the others of their world from being terrified of their hideous appearance. The Beast, in reality, is a sweet and gentle being, but no one ever quite gets past their ugly exterior enough to know that...