The Paracosm is home to a diverse cast of species for you to befriend. Each species has a variety of customizable characteristics unique to them, so be sure to collect a wide variety! (Or just have a thousand Lurbies. I don't blame you.)

Lurbies are an unusual species that always comes in pairs: the Big Lurbie and the Little Lurbie. They're genetically identical twins and always hatch from the same egg, but as you can see, they look quite different! The twins work together to hunt; the Little Lurbie seeks out prey and draws them near enough for the Big Lurbie to attack - then, the Little Lurbie feeds on the scraps left behind.

Unicorns are scavengers and detritivores. They act as custodians of their land by removing anything frightening or unsightly from their territory, such as rotten fruit, wilted flowers, and even corpses.

Little rat-dragons. They do their Creator's bidding, acting as little henchmen for The Dragon.

Griffin-like creatures created by The Wizard. Elegant and proud, they have intense care routines for their long and flowing manes.